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Life Groups

At the heart of our vision for the Life Group ministry at LifeWell is the desire to see a community of believers who are growing deeper in their love for Christ and their obedience to him.


The Scriptures indicate that the Christian life is to be lived out in community with other believers. Within that community; we are instructed to encourage, serve, rejoice, weep, correct, instruct, build up, accept and love one another. Life Groups provide a wonderful context to facilitate involvement in one another’s lives.

Hebrews 10:24‐25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” As a church, we are hopeful that our Life Group ministry will be one of the significant ways we live out our obedience to this exhortation.


Though the Bible does not command us to organize a Life Group ministry, it does presuppose that a significant relational life exists within the church. Life Groups are a chosen means of cultivating relational life and discipleship at LifeWell. With the foundational role in the life of our church, we hope that a sizable number of LifeWell attendees will be involved in a Life Group.


We are excited you want to explore Baptism as your next step! At LifeWell we offer weekly opportunities to commit your life to Jesus Christ through confession, repentance, and baptism. Our pastor and ministry team would also love to make themselves available to inform you about baptism: why we do it, what it is, the purpose of baptism, and why we celebrate it. For more information email


What is a disciple? 

Pastor and author Jim Putman says, “The Invitation is the Definition"-  'Follow me….and I will make you fishers of men.' Matthew 4:19" (Real-Life Discipleship)

  • A disciple is one who is following Jesus (head level change)

  • A disciple is one who is being changed by Jesus (heart level change)

  • A disciple is one who is committed to the mission of Jesus (hands-level change) 

At LifeWell we will always strive to make disciples who make disciples. It is the great commission that has been given to all Christians, not just vocational pastors…. all Christians.  At LifeWell you will be encouraged to engage the discipleship making process. 

One of the first steps of becoming a disciple is baptism, and one of the best avenues in our community to engage in discipleship is through a LifeGroup.  Scroll up to find out more about joining a LifeGroup or scroll down to learn more about baptism.